The Challenger Difference

Change is hard, and the job search is no exception. While it is often full of rejection and disappointment for job seekers, it is also a time for evaluation, opportunity, and hope. A job loss and ensuing job search process is an emotional roller coaster and it’s difficult to endure without expert guidance and care.

Outplacement -or career transition services- is the last step in the employee experience. It is an employer-sponsored benefit that offers displaced employees structured and individualized services to help them land their next jobs. Often, employees who receive outplacement assistance get new positions more quickly than those whose employers do not offer it.

Outplacement services are for companies with a conscience who want to help their people navigate their next professional steps after they exit their roles. Basic outplacement services generally offer transitioning employees help with their resumes and preparation for interviews.

However, Challenger’s outplacement Coaches provide expertise and empathy, not only giving advice on every aspect of the job search, from interviewing to LinkedIn help, but also acting as cheerleaders for our clients as they traverse this process. That is the Challenger Difference.

Expert Career Coaching

Our Coaches are industry experts with time-tested job search strategies who have helped hundreds of affected employees after a layoff. Outplacement assistance includes coaching that will instruct job seekers to:

  • Navigate the job market, both in-person and online
  • Write professional resumes
  • Prepare for in-person and virtual interviews
  • Update individuals’ online presence and profiles

Our Career Coaches treat each affected employee with the utmost respect and empathy while delivering outplacement assistance that positively impacts the job search.

Outplacement does not only help exiting employees find their next jobs. At Challenger, we also provide career coaching to those who want to move into the next career phase, perhaps to start their own businesses or consider retirement. Our career transition services are about helping people find the best professional fit, transitioning to the next chapters in their careers.

Why outplacement?

The benefits are innumerable for both the displaced employee and the employer offering the outplacement solution. Job seekers who receive outplacement generally find new jobs more quickly than without it, leading to lower unemployment numbers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average duration of unemployment is around 19 weeks, while with Challenger outplacement services, it is closer to 12 weeks.

Those who receive outplacement services often find positions that they report are better than their previous positions. In fact, nearly 93% of workers said they found equivalent or better positions using Challenger outplacement services.

Companies who offer outplacement as a benefit build loyalty among their workers and use it as a recruitment tool. They foster more fulfilled former employees, ultimately leading to a stronger employer brand and ability to attract top talent. Remaining employees have higher morale and sense of value. Outplacement truly turns a negative into a positive.

Why Challenger?

For over five decades, Challenger has provided compassionate outplacement services, consulting with HR professionals charged with implementing change while expertly coaching their talent to find their new positions.

Learn more about the Challenger Difference.