Original Article: http://money.cnn.com/2013/12/09/pf/jobs/jobs-outlook-2014.moneymag/index…

“THE STRATEGY: Cast a wider net
In the financial crisis, managers seeking better pay or opportunities were hamstrung not just by the soft labor market, but also by a lousy housing market that made it hard to unload homes to move. That’s changing. The percentage of managers and execs relocating for new jobs doubled to 14% in the first half of 2013 from a year earlier, owing to real estate’s rebound, according to the outplacement firm Challenger Gray & Christmas.

Get ready to relocate. Job searches for senior managers and execs 51 to 60 typically take five months, says outplacement firm BPI Group. Moving will give you an edge, says Challenger CEO John Challenger. Executive searches by recruiters rose 21% this year, with strong growth in the Southwest, Southeast, and Midwest, according to ExecuNet, an online recruitment network for $100,000-plus-a-year managers. Moving may be easier now too, especially if the kids are grown and you’re looking to downsize your home.”