We asked each coach to nominate someone that they most trust and respect, and is a go-to person for professional advice and support. This year’s winner is Paul Weldin. Paul also won an Award for Special Initiatives.
- Awards
Judie Collins, Project Lead Award
Teri Hartwig, Project Lead Award, Award for Special Initiatives
Dennis Diotallevi, Project Lead Award
Suzy Shurna, Project Lead Award
Tony Shurna, Project Lead Award
Marsy Billinger, Project Lead Award
Ingrid Clausen (left), Regina Willis (center), Sharon Amos (second from right), Award for Best Client Feedback
Julie Nystrand (second from left), Vince Black, Kathy Proper, Award for Special Initiatives
Stacey Minor, Award for Special Initiatives
Wendy Gawlik, Award for Special Initiatives
Larry Green, Dwayne Anderson, Regina Willis, Award for Highest Client Response to Initial Support
John Masterson, Karen Arp, Dick Swanson (not pictured), Award for Best Initial Client Support
Bruce Keith, Rising Star Award
Kathy Proper, Cheryl Harris, Nick Tucker, Norma Croy, Mack Spencer, Award for Most Clients Landing
Marsy Billinger, Sharon Amos, Penny, Karen Arp, Award for Most Clients Landing
Esther Paul, Special Recognition
Bill Zawaski, Tom Nosal, Cheryl Harris, Janice Rinehart, Award for Most Client Feedback
Pat Bober, Glenn Levitas, Ken Meuser, Award for Most Client Feedback
Cheryl Harris, Norma Croy, Janice Rinehart, Award for Best Client Feedback
Nick Tucker, Rising Star Award
Chuck Silverstein, Glenn Levitas, Luke Matthews, Marcy Jenkins, Award for Most Clients Landing
Larry Green, Rising Star Award
Not pictured Denny Balish (Award for Best Client Feedback), Dick Swansen (Award for Most Client Feedback and Award Best Client Feedback), and Maria Lopez (Special Recognition). A huge thank you to all our coaches!