ABC7 Chicago: Switching Industries May Be A Good Strategy During The Pandemic
Andy Challenger appeared on ABC7 as the February Jobs Expert discussing switching industries during the pandemic.
Tips For Switching Industries/Careers
Cast A Wide Net. Consider many different industries because casting the widest net possible will greatly improve one’s chance of success. Job seekers should realize that they can take their base skills, whether it is in project management, information technology, or marketing, and apply them to any number of industries. There is no reason a marketing manager for a manufacturer of brake parts cannot shift his or her skills to become a marketing manager for a hotel or a hospital.
Relate Your Specific Accomplishments for Each of Your Past Employers. Do not just write down or name a list of companies for which you have worked. Tell the employer how each experience helped you in your next job. Employers by and large understand and accept the concept that individuals make controlled changes as stepping stones to advancement.
Apply Your Experiences to the New Position. Describe/explain how your past experiences will translate well to the position for which you are interviewing. You do not want it to appear that you have had several disjointed jobs that have nothing to do with the job responsibilities for which you are currently interviewing.
Do Not Eliminate Out-of-Town Job Opportunities. In 2018, 10% of workers relocated for new employment, down from 11.2% of job seekers in 2017, according to Challenger. By refusing to extend the job search beyond your immediate metropolitan area, you reduce the possibility of rejection but also limit the effectiveness of your job search.
Try Consulting Work. If you are not sure switching industries is the right thing for you, try consulting or contracting work in that industry first. You may discover that this method of making a living is to your liking, gives you more freedom and provides a steady, nice income. In addition, consulting work in a new industry looks great on a resume and may aid in gaining a full-time job.
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