How to Ace the Phone Interview
Published January 25, 2021
Phone interviews can be stressful to many job seekers. Will we have a good connection? Will I be able to hear the recruiter well enough? I can’t see their body language!
Despite the trepidation, these initial phone screenings are crucial to getting you to the next step of the interview process. (Related: Arm your job search with data.)
You must be able to demonstrate your skills and abilities, as well as your likeability factor.
9 tips to present your best self with your phone
- Start with your voicemail. Ensure your outgoing voicemail includes your name and a friendly yet professional greeting.
- Answer all calls, even if you don’t recognize the number; they may be calling you for an interview.
- Do not answer your cell phone if you are in a loud location or it is not an appropriate time to take a call. However, call back as soon as you are ready to answer professionally and can talk with confidence.
- If you get a call and for some reason you missed it, call back instead of texting. Use whatever method of communication the potential employer uses with you.
- Don’t leave your phone in a place where someone else may answer.
- Modulate your voice; be pleasant and easy to talk to.
- Don’t interrupt the caller.
- Smile: even if they can’t see you, they can tell if you’re smiling.
- If the caller wants to schedule an in-person interview, try your best to accommodate the proposed time and place.
How to prepare for a phone job interview
By ABC 7 Chicago Digital Team
Wednesday, February 24, 2021 6:59AM
As part of ABC 7’s series “Ready to Work,” jobs expert Andy Challenger with Challenger, Gray and Christmas joined ABC7 for some tips on how people can prepare for a phone interview and how to put your best foot forward when you are on a call.