Our VP Tracey Kearny’s Panel Workshop at GlobalMindED in Denver
Our VP Tracey Kearny will be a panelist for a workshop on professional branding at the GlobalMindED Conference, Thursday, June 6 from 2:10 pm – 3:00 pm in Denver! The discussion will be moderated by Arquella Hargrove of Epic Collaborative Advisors, and Tracey will be joined by Yvonne Harris of Sogeti and Karla Hernandez DeCuir of the University of Houston Victoria.
Panel description: Your brand, how you present yourself and how others perceive you, is a key component to your career success. Branding yourself is not something that just happens. You must be intentional in designing the image you want to portray. Communicating your brand based on your authentic strengths, inclusive leadership style, talents, and career successes is most effective through measured story-telling and proper use of social media.