Published on: Sep 18, 2013

Employers’ need for talent may, in fact, be helping to boost relocation. In a small sampling of approximately 50 human resources executives by Challenger, nearly 40 percent indicated that their company actively recruits potential candidates from outside the local area due to skill shortages region’s talent pool. Meanwhile, 47 percent are always on the lookout for out-of-town talent simply because they always seek the best candidates, regardless of their location.

The vast majority (79 percent) of those surveyed said their company offers some type of relocation package. More than 80 percent of those with relocation packages provide a stipend to cover moving costs. About half also offer assistance with selling an existing home and/or purchasing a new one. Surprisingly, nearly 30 percent of those surveyed offer job-search assistance to the spouse of the newly hired transplant.

While the recession greatly reduced job seeker’s ability to relocate, it appears to have had little impact on the companies in our sampling. Only 16 percent indicated that they eliminated or cut back on relocation packages. Nearly two-thirds (63 percent) were able to maintain their relocation policies and packages during and in the aftermath of the recession.


Contact Colleen Madden Blumenfeld for more data or to set up an interview with SVP Andy Challenger.

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See the original report here:…