- Assess performance to ensure talent fits with your vision. More companies plan to spend on big data analytics in HR, according to a 2015 Towers Watson Survey. This data can be used to not only track the work of your employees, but also find strengths and weaknesses within your workforce. If you know when and where your worker does his or her best work, you can better evaluate roles, salaries, advancement opportunities, and job descriptions.
- Implement programs to develop your talent. Like Quinn’s basketball hoop, employers can create opportunities for their workers to compete and perform at their best. This could come in the form of sales competitions, team volunteer opportunities, or problem-solving exercises, like Escape Rooms.
- Pump up your workforce. Quinn uses music to get his team ready for practices in games, hiring in-house DJs in some cases. Employers can do similar things to increase morale at work: group lunches, after-work socializing events, and recognition programs, like gift cards for going above and beyond.
- Care about your workforce. Both Belichick and Quinn are known for helping their team members off the field. Take an interest in your employees outside of work, in their families, interests, and hobbies. Not only will they enjoy coming to work, but you will also build trust and loyalty.
Contact Colleen Madden Blumenfeld for more data or to set up an interview with SVP Andy Challenger.